© Silver Lining Of Your Cloud 2014
Silver Lining Of Your Cloud
Life Quotes and Sayings
The opening to reality, as it really is, is beauty. ~Byron Katie
Beauty appears when something is completely and absolutely and openly
itself. ~Deena Metzger
Beauty is being in harmony with what you are. ~Peter Nivio Zarlenga
Know, O my son, that each thing in the universe is a vessel full to the brim
with wisdom and beauty. It is also a drop from the river of His Beauty. ~Rumi
Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in the mirror. But you are the eternity and
you are the mirror. ~Kahlil Gibran
It’s the beauty within us that makes it possible for us to recognize the beauty
around us. ~Joan Chittister
This world is nothing more than
Beauty’s chance to show Herself.
And what are we? -
Nothing more than Beauty’s chance to see Herself.
For if Beauty were not seeking Herself
we would not exist.
Beauty is life when life unveils her Holy face. ~Kahlil Gibran
The outer unfolding of our lives is internally sustained and ordered by the
invisible beauty. ~John O’Donohue
Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us
or we find it not. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty. ~John
Let the beauty we love be what we do. ~Rumi
Nature is full of genius, full of divinity; so that not a snowflake escapes its
fashioning hand. ~Henry David Thoreau
The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself. ~Wallace
You are surrounded by gifts every living moment of every day. Let yourself
feel appreciation for their presence in your life and take the time to
acknowledge their splendor. ~Lou G. Nungesser
I like to walk about admist the beautiful things that adorn the world. ~George
The world is much-luscious and puddle-wonderful. ~e.e. cummings
Earth’s crammed with heaven. ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Truth is the vital breath of Beauty;
Beauty is the outward form of Truth.
~Grace Aguilar
Simplicity is the living beauty. ~Hazrat Inayat Khan
If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to
us. ~Daisaku Ikeda
I don’t think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that still remains. ~Anne
In the hope of reaching the moon, men fail to see the flowers that blossom at
their feet. ~Albert Schweitzer
If you would keep quiet, clear of memories and expectations, you would be
able to discern the beautiful pattern of events. It’s your restlessness that causes
chaos. ~Nisargadatta Maharaj
For many years, at great cost,
I traveled through many countries,
saw the high mountains, the oceans.
The only things I did not see were
the sparkling dewdrops in the grass
just outside my door.
~Rabindranath Tagore
When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dew drop, striped and
dotted with continents and islands, flying through space with other stars all
singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite,
storm of beauty. ~John Muir
Everything becomes beautiful when you change. ~Anthony de Mello
Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart. ~Kahlil Gibran
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even
touched. They must be felt with the heart. ~Helen Keller
The rose that with your earthly eyes you see has flowered in God from all
eternity. ~Angelus Silesius
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others.
You need to accept yourself. ~Thich Nhat Hanh
For the world is not painted or adorned, but is from the beginning beautiful;
and God has not made some beautiful things, but Beauty is the creator of the
universe. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius
All things are beautiful seen through the eyes of love. ~SathyaSai Baba
Looking closer can make something beautiful. ~Cynthia Lord
If you get simple beauty and nought else, you get about the best thing God
invents. ~Robert Browning
Beauty is not caused. It is. ~Emily Dickinson
That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty,
He said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful. ~Rumi
I asked from the almond tree to talk about God and the almond tree just
bloomed. ~Nikos Kazantzakis
In every ordinary moment, a profound depth and beauty awaits your discovery.
~Eckhart Tolle
Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people
see nothing. ~Camille Pissarro
Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something
physical. ~Sophia Loren
Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with
them. ~Marcus Aurelius
Something that is not touched by thought has an extraordinary sense of beauty
~ J. Krishnamurti
Seeing beauty in a flower can awaken one to the beauty that is an essential part
of their innermost being. ~Eckhart Tolle
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone. ~Johann Wolfgang von
There comes a holy
and transparent time
when every touch
of beauty
opens the heart
to tears!
This is the time
the Beloved of heaven
is brought tenderly on earth.
This is the time
of the opening
of the Rose!
Love is beauty and beauty is truth, and that is why in the beauty of a flower we
can see the truth of the universe. ~Buddha
The wonder of the Beautiful is its ability to surprise us. With swift sheer grace,
it is like a divine breath that blows the heart open. ~John O’Donohue
The eternal beauty is here and now, not in heaven. You say that in heaven love
is pure and eternal — love can be pure and eternal here and now, there is no
need to wait for heaven. Wherever love is, it is eternal and pure, because for
love, time does not exist. ~Osho
The experience of beauty has for the most part a particular force. It envelops
and overcomes us. ~John O’Donohue
When beauty seems absent, she is often hidden and still at work in the slow
industry of transformation. ~John O’Donohue