© Silver Lining Of Your Cloud 2014
Silver Lining Of Your Cloud
Life Quotes and Sayings
Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you. ~Rumi
Every moment, a voice, out of this world, calls on our soul, to wake up and
rise. ~Rumi
Believe in love’s infinite journey, for it is your own, for you are love. Love
is life. ~Rumi
Don’t ask what Love can make or do. Look at the colors of the world.
You embrace some form saying, “I am this.” By God you are not this or that
or the other you and spirit are the same. ~Rumi
Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart.
Love is a river. Drink from it. ~Rumi
A pure heart, open to the Light, will be filled with the very essence of Truth.
Respond to every call that excites your Spirit. ~Rumi
As you live deeper in the heart, the mirror gets clearer and clearer. ~Rumi
Light up the fire of love inside, and blaze the thoughts away. ~Rumi
Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself. ~Rumi
Caught by our own thoughts, we worry about everything. But once we get
drunk on Love whatever will be, will be. ~Rumi
When the tears course down my cheeks, they are a proof of the beauty and
grace of my beloved. ~Rumi
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine. ~Rumi
Whenever we manage to love without expectations, calculations,
negotiations, we are indeed in heaven. ~Rumi
Stop looking for something out there and begin seeing within. Open your
arms if you want an embrace. ~Rumi
When I am silent, I fall into the place where everything is music. ~Rumi
Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you. ~Rumi
I long to escape the prison of my ego and lose myself in you. ~Rumi
Listen with ears of tolerance. See through the eyes of compassion. Speak
with the language of love. ~Rumi
Purify yourself and become dust, so that from dust, flowers can grow.
Only the soul knows what infinite love is. ~Rumi
I merged so completely with Love, and was so fused, that I became Love
and Love became me. ~Rumi
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstasy motion. ~Rumi
These pains that you feel are messengers. Listen to them. Turn them to
sweetness. ~Rumi
We are the mirror as well as the face in it. We are tasting the taste this
minute of eternity. We are pain and what cures pain both. ~Rumi
You suppose you are the trouble, but you are the cure. You suppose that you
are the lock on the door, but you are the key that opens it. ~Rumi
That hurt we embrace becomes joy. Call it to your arms where it can change.
Love is the water of life. Drink it down with heart and soul! ~Rumi
Death comes, and what thought we needed loses importance. ~Rumi
To hear the song of the reed everything you have ever known must be left
behind. ~Rumi
I look into your eyes and the whole universe not yet born. ~Rumi
The soul has been given its own ears to hear things mind does not
understand. ~Rumi
Ideas of right and wrong operate in us until we die. Love does not have
those limits. ~Rumi
I am a drunkard from another kind of tavern. I dance to a silent tune. I am
the symphony of stars. ~Rumi
You are a ruby embedded in granite. How long will you pretend it’s not
true? We can see it in your eyes. Come to the root of the root of your Self.
For everything outside there is an inside and for every inside there is an
outside, and although they are different, they go together. ~Rumi
You’re the road, and the knower of roads, more than maps, more than love.
Why are you so afraid of silence? Silence is the root of everything. If you
spiral into its void, a hundred voices will thunder messages you long to hear.
If you want to hold the beautiful one, hold yourself to yourself. ~Rumi
The time has come to turn your heart into a temple of fire. ~Rumi
The desire to know your own Soul will end all other desires. ~Rumi
Embrace the light and let it guide you beyond the winds of desire. ~Rumi
Let the caller and the call disappear; be lost in the call. ~Rumi
Love comes of its own free will, it can’t be learned in school. ~Rumi
Nothing is meaningful except surrendering to Love. Do it~ ~Rumi
Through your Grace I have found a treasure within myself. I have found the
Truth of the Unseen World. ~Rumi
Behind every atom of this world hides an infinite universe. ~Rumi
Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another,
not words. ~Rumi
The Beloved is with you in the midst of your seeking! He holds your hand
wherever you wander. ~Rumi
Why tear your soul apart for something here one moment, and gone over the
next? ~Rumi
All is known in the sacredness of silence. ~Rumi
You do not see me for I am hidden inside the soul. Others want you for
themselves but I call you back to yourself. ~Rumi
Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your
house, so that new joy can find space to enter. Whatever sorrow shakes from
your heart, far better things will take their course. ~Rumi
What hurts the soul most is to live without tasting the water of its own
essence. ~Rumi
The path of Love isn’t easy … I am shipwrecked and must be sunk. ~Rumi
Choose Love, Love! without the sweet life of Love, living is a burden–as
you have seen. ~Rumi
Speak little. Learn the words of eternity. ~Rumi
You are as you are, an indescribable message on the air. ~Rumi
Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. ~Rumi
Make everything in you an ear, each atom of your being, and you will hear
at every moment what the Source is whispering to you… you are–we all
are–the beloved of the beloved, and in every moment, in every event of your
life , the Beloved is whispering to you exactly what you need to hear and
know. Who can ever explain this miracle? It simply is. ~Rumi
Listen. All the awakened ones, like trusted midwives, are saying, welcome
this pain, it opens the dark passage of Grace. ~Rumi
Know, O my son, that each thing in the universe is a vessel full to the brim
with wisdom and beauty. It is also a drop from the river of His Beauty.
Be helpless, dumbfounded, unable to say yes or no. Then a stretcher will
come from grace and gather us up. ~Rumi
Whoever finds love beneath hurt and grief disappears into emptiness with a
thousand new disguises. ~Rumi
This is not the real reality. The real reality is behind the curtain. In truth, we
are not here. This is our shadow. ~Rumi
Take someone who doesn’t keep score, who’s not looking to be richer, or
afraid of losing, who has not the slightest interest even in his own
personality: He’s free. ~Rumi
We’re not ahead, we’re behind. We’re not above, we’re below. Like a brush
in the painter’s hand, we have no idea where we are. ~Rumi
Those who have attained union have nothing but the inward eye and the
divine lamp—they have been delivered of signs and roads. ~Rumi
When your chest is free from your limiting ego,
Then you will see your ageless Beloved.
You cannot see yourself without a mirror;
Look at the Beloved, He is the brightest mirror.
He who looks at the foam speaks of mystery,
but he who looks at the sea is full of wonder.
He who looks at the foam expresses intentions,
but he who looks at the sea makes his heart the
He who looks at the flakes of foam makes plans,
but he who looks at the sea has no will. He who
looks at the foam keeps busy, but he who looks
at the sea is totally pure.
And He’ll open the door.
And He’ll make you shine like the sun.
And He’ll raise you to the heavens.
Become nothing,
And He’ll turn you into everything.
If you could see the ugliest leper with the eyes of Love,
His beauty would out-dazzle in your eyes the starlit sea.
If one drop of the Wine of Vision could rinse your eyes,
Wherever you looked, you would weep with wonder.
The lover of this world is like someone in love with a wall illuminated by
sunrays; he doesn’t realise that the radiance and the splendor do not come
from the wall but from the sun; he gives his heart to the wall and when at
sunset the rays of sun disappear, he is in despair. ~Rumi
Be honest dear heart,
broken and abashed,
how can you still chase love?
There is a loneliness more precious than life.
There is a freedom more precious than the world.
Infinitely more precious than life and the world,
is that moment when one is alone with the Beloved.
Lose yourself,
Lose yourself,
Escape from the black cloud
that surrounds you.
Then you will see your own light.
There comes a holy
and transparent time
when every touch
of beauty
opens the heart
to tears!
This is the time
the Beloved of heaven
is brought tenderly on earth.
This is the time
of the opening
of the Rose!