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© Silver Lining Of Your Cloud 2014
Silver Lining Of Your Cloud Life Quotes and Sayings
Acceptance Action Adversity Aloneness Awareness Beauty Being Present Being Yourself Compassion Concepts Contentment Courage Creative Expression Delight Desire Ego Emptiness Encouragement Enlightenment Faith Fear Finding Yourself Flow Freedom Giving Gratitude Grief Happiness Healing Heart Humility Illusion Impermanence Inner Direction Inspiration Kindness Letting Go Life Lightheartedness Living Fully Lonlieness Love Natural Perfection Non-Doing Not-Knowing Oneness Openness Pain Peace Perception Pointers Presence Purpose Reality Rumi Seeking Service Silence Simplicity Sincerity Slowing Down Spiritual Path Stillness Surrender Tao Thinking Transformation Truth Uncertainty Wholeness Wisdom Wonder Zen
Silence (2) Still music Quiet sand Deep water Silent ground. ~C. Alexander/Annellen Simpkins There is a way between voice and presence where information flows. In disciplined silence it opens. With wandering talk it closes. ~Rumi Saying nothing… sometimes says the most. ~Emily Dickinson If you don’t have to speak, don’t speak. ~Ashokananda Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter. ~John Keats The instant you speak about a thing, you miss the mark. ~Wu-Men Go deeper and deeper in meditation To reach the seabed of consciousness. ~Kabir Unknowingly, you are constantly carrying expectations, hopes and desires of what should happen to you, what you would like to experience and what you would like life to give you. In those moments, when you are letting go of all these different expectations, these are the moments of grace when you are having a glimpse of wholeness, of a silent heart. ~Thyoar When you are willing to stop looking for something in thought, you find everything in silence. ~Gangaji When one is perfectly still–mind and body, silent and alone–there is no personality to speak of, thus personality is one’s unique way of expression, it is what others see and know of us, nothing more or deeper than that.~Bernadette Roberts In the silence of listening, you can know yourself in everyone, the unseen singing softly to itself and to you. ~Rachel Naomi Remen Silence is our true teacher because it speaks the language of our soul. ~Michael Jeffreys Real silence is explosive; it is not the dead state of mind that spiritual seekers think. This is volcanic in its nature; it’s bubbling all the time—the energy, the life—that is its quality. ~U. G. Krishnamurti Silence dissolves all objects. It is not related to any counterpart which belongs to the mind. Silence has nothing to do with the mind. It cannot be defined, but it can be felt indirectly because it is our nearness. Silence is restriction. It is feeling without a feeler. Silence needs no intermediary. Sound which comes from silence is music. ~Jean Klein A great silence overcomes me, and I wonder why I ever thought to use language. ~Rumi It speaks in silence, In speech you hear its silence. The great Way has opened and there are no obstacles. ~Yongjia Xuanjue Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together, that at length they may emerge, full-formed and majestic, into the daylight of life, which they are thenceforth to rule. ~Thomas Carlyle When I am silent I fall into the place where everything is music. ~Rumi It must be immense, this silence, in which sounds and movements have room, the presence of the distant sea also resounds. ~Rainer Maria Rilke In the depth of stillness All words walk away Clouds disperse and it Vividly appears before you ~John Daido Loori flowers are silent silence is silent the mind is a silent flower the silent flower of the world opens. ~Ikkyū Sōjun There was complete silence everywhere. I felt that all mankind had rejected me and I took refuge with inanimate things. I was conscious of a relationship between me and the pulsation of nature, between me and the profound night which had descended upon my spirit. This silence is a language which we do not understand. ~Sadegh Hedayat In meditation you see your inner landscape that activates almost all of your actions. ~Jack Kornfeld Why are you so afraid of silence? Silence is the root of everything. If you spiral into its void, a hundred voices will thunder messages you long to hear. ~Rumi True art has nothing to do with proclamations and is created in silence. ~Marcel Proust Silence is like a cradle holding our endeavors and our will; a silent spaciousness sustains us in our work and at the same time connects us to larger worlds that, in the busyness of our daily struggle to achieve, we have not yet investigated. Silence is the soul’s break for freedom. ~David Whyte In silence we can feel it, eternity sleeping in us. ~Catherine Ingram Man goes into the noisy crowd to drown his own clamor of silence. ~Rabindranath Tagore A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you. ~Eckhart Tolle Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. ~Rumi May we all grow in grace and peace, and not neglect the silence that is printed in the center of our being. It will not fail us. ~Thomas Merton Indeed, sometimes silence holds within it the essence of eloquence. ~Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi All this talk and turmoil and noise and movement and desire is outside of the veil; within the veil is silence and calm and rest. ~Bayazid Al-Ristami From silence you come, to silence you go. Enter your inner space and know where you come from. The eternal silence awaits you with endless patience. ~unknown We never truly meet other than in silence. We never truly meet other than in the present moment. ~Leonard Jacobson Silence is understanding there is no mind to quiet. ~Robert Adams You are most powerful when you are most silent. People never expect silence. They expect words, motion, defense, offense, back and forth. They expect to leap into the fray. They are ready, fists up, words hanging leaping from their mouths. Silence? No. ~Alice McGhee Things that are real, are always given and received in silence. ~Meher Baba Only in deep silent awareness, beyond the last trace of subtle thought, is truth fully revealed. And that sublime silence is given by the grace of God. ~Maitreya Ishwara Discovering that one has nothing to say, one seeks a way to say that. ~Susan Sontag Speak little. Learn the words of eternity. ~Rumi No particular thought can be mind’s natural state, only silence. Not the idea of silence, but silence itself. When the mind is in its natural state, it reverts to silence spontaneously after every experience, or, rather, every experience happens against the background of silence. ~Nisargadatta Maharaj No, my soul is not asleep. It is awake, wide awake. It neither sleeps nor dreams, but watches, its eyes wide open far off things, and listens at the shores of the great silence. ~Antonio Machado The silent gap between your thoughts is your window to the cosmic mind. ~Deepak Chopra When we are truly silent—within and without—we surrender the ego’s need to be right. ~Anne D. LeClaire Listen to the silence as it echoes around you. Ancient spirits dance to it. ~Amber Coverdalle Sumrall To listen to the silence, wherever you are, is an easy and direct way of becoming present. ~Eckhart Tolle True Meditation is the space in which everything gets revealed, everything gets seen, everything gets experienced. And as such, it lets go of itself. We don’t even let go. It lets go of itself. ~Adyashanti The spirit world is able to get through to you easily when your mind is still and clear. Meditation is often referred to as ‘sitting in the silence.’ Whenever you want to reach Spirit from this side of life, start by sitting in the silence. ~James Van Praagh Of all the sounds that touch my soul these days, the most beautiful one of all is silence. ~Guy de la Valdene Enlightenment is the Journey from the head back to the heart, from words back to silence. ~Jock Brocas There is a presence, a silence, a stillness which is here by itself. There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self. There is nothing to do about this, it is naturally present. This fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, it is the fragrance of your own being. ~Mooji In the sweet territory of silence we touch the mystery. It’s the place of reflection and contemplation, and it’s the place where we can connect with the deep knowing, to the deep wisdom way. ~Angeles Arrien Let me rest in Your will and be silent. Then the light of Your joy will warm my life. Its fire will burn in my heart and shine for Your glory. This is what I live for. Amen, amen. ~Thomas Merton Within each of us there is a silence as vast as the universe. We long for it. We can return to it. ~Jack Kornfield Silence is the shaft we descend to the depths of contemplation. Silence is the vehicle that takes us to the innermost centre of our being which is the place for all authentic practice. ~Elaine MacInnes Silence is God’s first language; everything else is a poor translation. In order to hear that language, we must learn to be still and to rest in God. ~Thomas Keating The friend of silence comes close to God. In secret he converses with him and receives his light. ~John Climacus What could be more natural than silence? What could be more sacred? What could be more simple? Silence is the universal language of the soul. True inner silence is unpolluted by anxieties, habitual preoccupations and refrains, noisy internal static, innuendos, or agendas. Inner silence speaks directly to inner peace, which is beyond the dualism of noise and quiet. ~Lama Surya Das You are most powerful when you are most silent. People never expect silence. They expect words, motion, defense, offense, back and forth. They expect to leap into the fray. They are ready, fists up, words hanging leaping from their mouths. Silence? No. ~Alice McGhee Things that are real, are always given and received in silence. ~Meher Baba Only in deep silent awareness, beyond the last trace of subtle thought, is truth fully revealed. And that sublime silence is given by the grace of God. ~Maitreya Ishwara Discovering that one has nothing to say, one seeks a way to say that. ~Susan Sontag Speak little. Learn the words of eternity. ~Rumi No particular thought can be mind’s natural state, only silence. Not the idea of silence, but silence itself. When the mind is in its natural state, it reverts to silence spontaneously after every experience, or, rather, every experience happens against the background of silence. ~Nisargadatta Maharaj No, my soul is not asleep. It is awake, wide awake. It neither sleeps nor dreams, but watches, its eyes wide open far off things, and listens at the shores of the great silence. ~Antonio Machado The silent gap between your thoughts is your window to the cosmic mind. ~Deepak Chopra When we are truly silent—within and without—we surrender the ego’s need to be right. ~Anne D. LeClaire Listen to the silence as it echoes around you. Ancient spirits dance to it. ~Amber Coverdalle Sumrall To listen to the silence, wherever you are, is an easy and direct way of becoming present. ~Eckhart Tolle The spirit world is able to get through to you easily when your mind is still and clear. Meditation is often referred to as ‘sitting in the silence.’ Whenever you want to reach Spirit from this side of life, start by sitting in the silence. ~James Van Praagh Of all the sounds that touch my soul these days, the most beautiful one of all is silence. ~Guy de la Valdene Enlightenment is the Journey from the head back to the heart, from words back to silence. ~Jock Brocas There is a presence, a silence, a stillness which is here by itself. There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self. There is nothing to do about this, it is naturally present. This fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, it is the fragrance of your own being. ~Mooji In the sweet territory of silence we touch the mystery. It’s the place of reflection and contemplation, and it’s the place where we can connect with the deep knowing, to the deep wisdom way. ~Angeles Arrien Let me rest in Your will and be silent. Then the light of Your joy will warm my life. Its fire will burn in my heart and shine for Your glory. This is what I live for. Amen, amen. ~Thomas Merton Within each of us there is a silence as vast as the universe. We long for it. We can return to it. ~Jack Kornfield Silence is the shaft we descend to the depths of contemplation. Silence is the vehicle that takes us to the innermost centre of our being which is the place for all authentic practice. ~Elaine MacInnes Silence is God’s first language; everything else is a poor translation. In order to hear that language, we must learn to be still and to rest in God. ~Thomas Keating The friend of silence comes close to God. In secret he converses with him and receives his light. ~John Climacus What could be more natural than silence? What could be more sacred? What could be more simple? Silence is the universal language of the soul. True inner silence is unpolluted by anxieties, habitual preoccupations and refrains, noisy internal static, innuendos, or agendas. Inner silence speaks directly to inner peace, which is beyond the dualism of noise and quiet. ~Lama Surya Das If words carry my silence, if words carry my wordless message to you, only then is something being said. ~Osho Allow your heart to be drawn ever deeper into this self-luminous unbearably beautiful jewel of Silence. Something glows here softer than any touch, more enticing than any lover. Playful and birthless, a joy without cause, this Light makes us free. Silence is the mother. ~Fred LaMotte The quieter we are, the more patient and open we are in our sadnesses, the more deeply and serenely the new presence can enter us, and the more we can make it our own, the more it becomes our fate. ~Rainer Maria Rilke That deep silence has a melody of its own… ~Paul Brunton